These are the moments between ADHD & motherhood
Did you know being Neurodivergent puts you at a greater risk for developing pregnancy and postpartum anxiety/depression?
There is very little specialized support and understanding around neurodivergence by birthing professionals. BUT it doesn’t have to be that way. I have made it my mission to support neurodivergent parents during this major life transition. I can’t wait to work with you.
Click the let’s get started, email to schedule your first session.
Living with ADHD and other Neurodivergent diagnoses is exhausting A LOT of the times. You might be feeling worried about how you will manage your pregnancy and life after the baby arrives! Afterall, it’s hard enough just taking care of your own self let alone another human. What makes it even harder is when you do mention your diagnosis to your birth professionals you likely won’t receive much of a conversation, let alone anything that is followed up on.
Does this sound familiar?
Going into checkup appointments and half the time you might not remember to bring your list of questions you wrote down. The other half you won’t ask even if you remembered because just going to the appointment took all your energy. Then, of course because struggling to thinking ahead, you might not even know what to ask or consider. Resources online or books feel overwhelming and are clearly not written for the Neurodivergent brain.
Why having a Neurodivergent perinatal mental health specialist can be helpful?
In looking back, there likely will be so many things that you will wish you had a guide to support yourself during this time. However, most the things will likely be around your neurodivergence.
With the changing hormones, difficulty sleeping well, and likely an increase in Neurodivergent symptoms during this transition into motherhood, it can be common that past traumas resurface. Feelings of not being good enough are often heightened. Therefore, having a guide who not only supported with executive functioning and emotional regulation, but also Neurodivergent mental wellness would have been invaluable.
Below are some indicators you could benefit from on-going therapy.
If you are ready to take charge of your Neurodivergence during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum email to get started. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.
ADHD & birthing considerations:
Much more research is needed in this area but apparently Women who have ADHD are more likely to have a C-Section. We think this is something that would be helpful to know ahead of time so that you can be a little more prepared for what that would entail afterwards. Parent education classes reserved 2 minutes around birth via C-Section.
Did you know
Being induced and having other medical interventions like a C-Section can be an environmental trigger for Neurodivergence? In other words, if you have ADHD, your child is about 50% or more likely to also have ADHD. When there are additional environment risks (which includes medical interventions) the % increases even more dramatically.
This is not meant to scare anyone or increase guilt:
I believe we deserve to know these risks so that we can feel that we are truly giving informed consent. In addition, if we know these risks and had these medical interventions, then we can be a bit more on the lookout for other complications. This might indicate interventions from a variety of services. Ie: Craniosacral Therapy, Occupational, Speech, PT, and a Neurodivergent Parent therapist who specializes in infant-toddler mental health. Being proactive with early intervention, outcomes can be very encouraging.
There are SO many ways birthing practices can improve in this country. One way we are passionate about supporting is improving the birthing experience for neurodivergent women. However, in the meantime, we are here to help guide you on this path. Together we can learn how to not let your Neurodivergence get in the way during this life transition.
Look forward to working with you on the inside.
“You are not alone, it’s not your fault and with help things can get better!” PSI
Click here to learn more about Postpartum Support International (PSI).
However you identify and whether you are the birth person or witnessing birth, trying to conceive, pregnant or facing fertility struggles. While I specialize in women and children with ADHD, I believe that everybody deserves to be understood, supported and have a space where their experiences are valued.
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